Standbeeld in Ribemont, Frankrijk

Standbeeld in Ribemont

Pagina in aanbouw

Statue in Ribemont, France

Statue in Ribemont

Page under construction

Statue in Ribemont, Frankreich

Statue in Ribemont

Seite im Bau

Statue à Ribemont, France

Statue à Ribemont

Page en construction

9 links [2002-10-20] ... feel free to suggest other links via

1. Condorcet à Gallica: la bibliothèque numérique de la BNF, avec 77 Oeuvres en mode image ou texte

2. Condorcet in the Literary Encyclopedia by David Williams, University of Sheffield

3. Condorcet's Electoral methods at by Blake Cretney

4. Condorcet's "Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain" (1794) dans l'E biblion de Paulette Taieb

5. Condorcet as a Feminist Forefather: the "Advice To My Daughter" (1794) as the Father's Day Tribute 2002

6. Condorcet on Education: "Premier Mémoire: Nature et objet de l'instruction publique" (1791), in French and English

7. Condorcet bibliography in the Archive for the History of Economic Thought at McMasters University in Canada

8. Condorcet as a Mathematician at the University of St Andrews, Scotland

9. Les éditions REDON offer "Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert" on CDROM ( for just over 100 Euro's